Solo Shows:
2018 Loft Nota Bene, Cadaques, Spain
2016 Luise Ross Gallery, NYC
2015 Five Points Gallery, Torrington, CT
2010 Beach Museum of Art, KSU, Manhattan, KS
2010 Luise Ross Gallery, NYC
2007 Luise Ross Gallery, NYC
2007 Gallery 384, Catskill, NY
2007 Signs of the Times, NYU Dept. of Journalism, NYC
2003-04 The Gallery at R&F, Kingston, NY
2003 Latin Collector Gallery, NYC
2001 Bridgewater/Lustberg/Blumenfeld Gallery, NYC
2000 Mulvane Gallery, Washburn Univ., Topeka, KS
1998 Bridgewater/Lustberg Gallery, NYC
Group Shows:
Conversations, The Century Association, June 13-October. 4, 2024, New York, NY
Blurring Boundaries, Mattutuck Museum, May 2 – Sept. 2, 2023, Waterbury, CT
AAA, Art Cake at Industry City, April 14-May 14, Brooklyn, NY
175th Anniversary Exhibition, The Century Association, Sept. 22 – Nov. 7, 2022, New York, NY
Blurring Boundaries, The Women of the American Abstract Arts, July 14-Oct. 23, Louisiana State University Museum of Art, Baton Rouge, LA
Blurring Boundaries, The Women of the American Abstract Arts, Dec. 3, 2022-Feb. 26, 2023, California Center for the Arts, Escondido, CA
American Abstract Artists: Digital Prints 2012-2019, 1/26/22-3/11/22, The Galleries at Herron School of Art + Design, Indianapolis, IN
Blurring Boundaries: The Women of the American Abstract Artists, Feb. 7 – May 9, 2022, Richard E. Peeler Art Center, University Gallery, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN
Holiday Show, Labspace Gallery, Hillsdale NY 2021-2022
Blurring Boundaries: The Women of AAA; Baker Museum, Naples FL
Art in Isolation; The Century Association, NYC
Holiday Show, Labspace Gallery, Hillsdale NY
Holiday Show, Labspace Gallery, Hillsdale NY
Together in Isolation, ReInstitute Gallery, Millerton, NY
AAA 75th Anniversary Print Portfolio, Transmitter Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Blurring Boundaries: The Women of AAA, South Bend Museum of Art, IN
Blurring Boundaries: The Women of AAA, 1936-Present, Ewing Gallery,
University of Tennessee at Knoxville, TN
Ecstatic Beasts, Vermont College of Fine Arts Gallery, Montpelier, VT
Blurring Boundaries: The Women of American Abstract Artists, Clara M. Eagle Gallery Murray State University, Murray, KY. To travel to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and other locations.
AAA 75th Anniversary Print Portfolio, University of Houston-Clear Lake Art Gallery, Houston, TX
Off the Wall, Central Connecticut State Art Galleries, New Britain, CTAAA 75th Anniversary Print Portfolio, The Wrather West Kentucky Museum, Murray State University, Murray, KY
Chromatic Space, Shirley Fiterman Art Center, BMCC, New York City
The Onward of Art, UBS Gallery, New York City
AAA 75th Anniversary Print Portfolio, Biggin Gallery, Auburn University, AL
Draftsmen Draft, Luise Ross Gallery, New York City
AAA 75th Anniversary Print Portfolio, Vanderbilit University Fine Arts Gallery, Nashville, TN
Sensory Impact, Morgan Stanley International, 200 Westchester Ave., Purchase, NY
Amercan Abstract Artists, Moody Gallery, University of Alabama
New York Eden, Louise Ross Gallery, NYC
AAA 75th Anniversary Print Portfolio, Martin Gallery at Muhlenberg College, Allentown PA; University of Mary Washington Galleries, Fredericksburg, VA
Dynamic Invention: American Abstract Artists at 75, Brattleboro Museum and Art Center, Brattleboro, VT
American Abstract Artists, Kent State Art Gallery, Kent, Ohio
Picture Takers, Visual Arts Center of New Jersey, Summit, NJ
International Womens Photography, .NO Gallery, NYC
Great Photographs!, Luise Ross Gallery, NYC
ABSTRACTION, Philadelphia, PA
Women Painters of Latincollector, NYC
AAA Anniversary Exhibit, OK Harris Gallery, NYC
Small, Luise Ross Gallery, NYC
Pretty Strange, Luise Ross Gallery, NYC
Collector’s Show, Arkansas Arts Center, Little Rock, AK
AAA Tribute to Esphyr Slobodkina, The Painting Center, NYC
The Art of Emprise, Wichita Art Museum
Rare Birds, Luise Ross Gallery, NYC
Kansas Masters, Strecker-Nelson Gallery, Manhattan, KS
AAA Small Works, St. Peters College Art Gallery, Jersey City, NJ
Luminous Depths, Ben Shahn Galleries, Wayne, NJ
Impulse, Portland Art Center, Portland, OR
Waxworks, Silvermine Guild Arts Center
Generation 5, AIR Gallery, NYC
Order(ed), Gallery Siano, Philadelphia, PA
WAX, Brush Gallery, Lowell Historic Park, MA
Encaustic Works 2005, Dorsky Museum (SUNY-New Paltz)
Optical Simulations, Yellowbird Art Center, Newburgh, NY
Engaging the Structural, Broadway Gallery, NYC
Ideal, Metaphor Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Unnatural, Full Spectrum Gallery, Lakewood, NJ
Gregg & Sono, Unison Arts Center, New Paltz, NY
Art in Embassies Program; U.S. Ambassador’s Residence, Malawi
On Your Marks, NY Mercantile Exchange Gallery, NYC
Litchfield Collects, Joseloff Gallery, University of Hartford, CT
Off the Beaten Track: Contemporary Mindscapes,
Mead Art Museum, Amherst, MA
Collecting and Connecting, Mulvane Gallery, Topeka, KS
Hot Wax, Cummings Art Center, Connecticut College
Wax and Encaustic, Denise Bibro Gallery, NYC
Abstract Dilemnas: Martin Art Gallery, Muhlenberg College; Allentown PA
A Moveable Feast of American Art: The Official Residence of the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
The Critic’s Choice, Organization of Independent Artists, NYC
Toward the New: American Abstract Artists, Hillwood Art Museum,
Long Island University
Organization of Independent Artists, The Art Club, NYC
Encaustic Works 1999, Watermark Cargo Gallery, Kingston, NY
Nine Lives: Painting at the end of the 20th Century, B.K. Smith Gallery,
Lake Erie College, Cleveland, OH
Wood Art Gallery, Montpelier, VT
Cooperstown National, Cooperstown, NY
Blue Mountain Gallery, NYC
Organization of Independent Artists, Westbeth Gallery, NYC
Cooperstown National, Cooperstown, NY
Organization of Independent Artists, Westbeth Gallery, NYC
Cooperstown National, Cooperstown, NY
Organization of Independent Artists, Westbeth Gallery, NYC
Chautauqua Gallery, NYC
Trenkmann Gallery, NYC
Trenkmann Gallery, NYC
Trenkmann Gallery, NYC
Faber Birren Color Show, Stamford, CT
Helio Gallery, NYC
The Pull of Paper, by Deborah Winiarski, Pro Wax Journal, Issue 7: Sept. – Dec. 2014
Encaustic Works: nuance, Curated by Michelle Stuart, Published 2014 by R&F Handmade Paints
American Abstract Artists 75th Anniversary Print Portfolio, The Ewing Gallery of Art and Architecture, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2013. Available here: AAA Print Portfolio
Authentic Visual Voices, Catherine Nash, 2013
Encaustic Art, Lissa Rankin, Watson Guptill, 2010
Photo Based Collage, Karen Corrigan, Imprints, Winter 2010
Gail Gregg at Luise Ross, Doug McClermont, ARTnews, December 2010
“Geometry Reloaded”, Lilly Wei; NY Arts, May/June 2005
Review, Catskill Guide, January 2004
Review, Springfield Republican, Dec. 14, 2003
Review, ARTnews, Sept. 2003
New York Times Connecticut Section, Nov. 10, 2002
NY Arts Online, Sept. 19, 2002
Mandalas, 2001, Weiser Books
The Art of Encaustic Painting, 2001, Watson-Guptill
Review, ARTnews, October 2001
Review, M Magazine (The New York Art World), Summer 2001 New York Times Weekend Art Guide, May 18 and 25, 2001
New York Magazine Art Guide, May 21, 2001
Review, ARTnews, January 1999
FCI News Express (Japanese Television), Oct. 26, 1998
Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC (AAA 75th Anniversary Portfolio)
Mulvane Gallery of Art, Topeka, KS
Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), NYC (AAA 75th Anniversary Portfolio)
The Art in Embassies Program, U.S. Department of State
The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
The University of Washington Special Collections Library, Seattle, WA
The Whitney Museum of American Art, NYC (AAA 75th Anniversary Print Portfolio)
Ewing Gallery, University of Nashville
Artist Residency:
2015, Arquetopia, Puebla, Mexico
2014, Yaddo, Saratoga Springs, NY
2012, Jentel, Sheridan, WY
2011, Loft Nota Bene, Cadaques, Spain
2010, Yaddo, Saratoga Spring, NY
2009, Julia & David White Colony, Costa Rica
2008, Yaddo, Saratoga Spring, NY
2005, Yaddo, Saratoga Spring, NY
2002, Escape to Create, The Seaside Institute, FL
Freelance Writing:
Articles have appeared in: ARTnews; The New York Times Magazine; The New York Times; Barron’s; Time; Manhattan, inc.; New York Woman; Venture; Institutional Investor; US; Across the Board; Investor’s Daily; Boston Business; Working Woman. Wrote catalogue text for: Think Like Amano (Yoshitaka Amano); Sublimis Interruptus (Adam Straus); Mars, Land or Lake (Richard Tsao); Recurrent Themes (Christopher Pelley); The Sea Has Veins (Janet Filomeno); Silente (Karen Wilberding Diefenbach)
Vassar College, New York University, University of Hartford Art School, New School, School of Visual Arts, Connecticut College, Ohio State University, Empire State College/SUNY, University of Hartford, Vermont College MFA program, Washburn University
Other Activities:
American Abstract Artists; Studio in a School advisory board; The Yaddo Corporation board; Professional Women Photographers
1996-1998. Vermont College, MFA. Studied with Tobi Kahn, Michelle Stuart, Jackie Winsor, Adam Straus
1995-1996. Graduate School of Figurative Art, New York Academy of Art
1985-1991. School of Visual Arts, National Academy of Fine Arts, NYC; studied with Michael Burban, Daniel Dickerson, Fran Dropkin, Wolf Kahn, Serge Hollerbach, Tobi Kahn, Ann McCoy, Nachume Miller, Carl Titolo
1981-1982. Columbia University, Bagehot Fellowship for economics reporters
1974-1975. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, M.A., journalism
1969-1972. Kansas State University, B.S., journalism, magna cum laude
1979-1981. Congressional Quarterly. Chief economics reporter covering federal budget, banking, labor
1976-1979. United Press International. Reporter, London and Washington, D.C.